
Mozilla firefox esr 52.8 download
Mozilla firefox esr 52.8 download

mozilla firefox esr 52.8 download

At some point down the road we might need to reclaim the resources ESR uses, perhaps turn over the build generation to community, or other issues with backporting security fixes might become blockers that result in this branch being to rest.įor now, we'll continue the cadence and structure that has worked for the past 2+ years.

mozilla firefox esr 52.8 download

As such there is no plan at this time to end ESR releases, the next ESR version will be 31 and each subsequent one will be 7 version numbers higher. However as we've gotten more streamlined about supporting the ESR releases alongside mainline Firefox it's become fairly trivial to keep this branch running and with the mailing list becoming community-driven, even more so. The original plan for ESR was to do 3 extended support releases and then potentially EOL that branch and its associated resources. Mozilla will offer an Extended Support Release (ESR) based on an official release of Firefox for desktop for use by organizations including schools, universities, businesses and others who need extended support for mass deployments.

Mozilla firefox esr 52.8 download